Monday, June 21, 2010

6 Months of Baylor

I had intended to post a 6 month update on Baylor when she actually turned 6 months.  However, we were in Kigali and after we got back Brett was sick, then Baylor, then me, then Baylor again. So she's now more than 6-and-a-half months but I figure none of you hold it against me.

Onto Baylor.

Some stats:
     Height -  26 1/2 inches - 68%
     Weight - 14 lbs 5 oz. - 12%
     Head - 41cm - 6%

Our baby is not a big one.

Her accomplishments to date:
     Baylor started crawling at just over 5 months.  She is now a crawling expert, able to quickly reach the dirty shoes, electrical cords, and book shelves while Mama's and Baba's heads are turned.  She can also pull up to standing on her own and has just started walking along the furniture while holding on.  She has not mastered the art of sitting down from standing.  Rather, she chooses to dive headfirst to the ground.  Needless to say, my days have gotten busier.

    Baylor has come a long way from her first attempt at rice cereal.  She has a deep hatred for avocados, and will only eat peas and green beans if they are hidden in oatmeal.  She likes fruit and eats bananas or apples at some point every day.  But nothing compares to her deep love of carrots.  She'd eat them all day long if I let her.  I'm slightly worried she's going to turn orange.

We had a little photo shoot yesterday, enjoy.


  1. Have you tried avacado and banana mixed together? Levi initially hated avacado and my doctor told me to mix it with banana. He LOVES it.

  2. Baylor is adorable. I can't believe she's moving around so fast. I thought my kids were moving fast (crawling at 7 mon. walking at 9), but Baylor is blowing them away!

  3. Thanks for the update and the pictures! I shared some of one of Brett's recent blogs with the SRC family. We think of you often.

  4. She has the perfect Gerber baby face! Such a pretty girl. Brett's comment on my blog made me laugh out loud last night... Michael read it and just gave me his "that's Brett" face. Ha. Brett, we just visited my brother and sister-in-law in Mobile last week (they moved there just recently) and while were were there my sis-in-law took me to Lambert's. I thought about you b/c the last time I was there was with you and a couple other people from Gateway Getaway. I'd forgotten that they just try to load you up with insane amounts of food... it was pretty much completely wasted on us since my sister in law is a trainer and took about 10 bites, and I'm on weight watchers working off baby #3. I was really wishing I'd brought Michael so they could shovel some food in him!

  5. She just keeps getting prettier!

  6. So sweet! Love the family picure.

  7. so very sweet of the three of you. Thank you for sharing the photo shoot.

  8. Wonderful to hear from you & see that all is well. We pray for you

  9. soooo cute!! that first picture looks just like you christie when you were little! auhh! you should really post more pics of could post them every day and we would never get sick of them...i wish i could be there to see all of her little accomplishments! love and miss ya'll!

  10. Baylor is so precious! Thanks for sharing the update and the photos. As for the falling face first...well...I'm not saying that she comes by it naturally, but I did live with you for two years. ;) My love to all three of you!

  11. Oh! She is so beautiful! Well done to the both of you. ;)

  12. Hannah, are you implying that I'm not graceful? Absurd.

  13. Hi guys! She is just beautiful! Hope you are doing well. We had a big 4th bash at the church with lots of great fireworks. Missed you guys! We love you and appreciate you. Diane Austin
