Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Brett, Balyor, and I spend a lot of time on our front porch.  There's a nice breeze, a beautiful view, and we can greet people as they walk by.  Baylor loves it especially, and every time she notices the front door is open, she makes a break for the glorious outdoors.  I thought you might enjoy a glimpse of something we enjoy daily, so here is a picture from our front porch.  Keep in mind that it's the middle of dry season, so everything is a bit brown.  Also, our yard is still just a bunch of dirt, as we can't plant grass until the rainy season this fall.  The area below the rocks is going to be our garden.

One day we intend to enjoy our back porch and yard as well.  But for now it's not so nice.  We're currently having our backyard leveled (it was extremely uneven--not good at all for a mini soccer field). The structure in the back right corner is our kennel for Gus, who prefers life with his sister, Eames, at Carson and Holly's and continues escaping and making his way over there.

Our back porch is also the home of our washing machine.  This is actually quite normal here, at least for those with washing machines.  The water just runs out of the machine into our back yard.

I took pictures of Baylor happy and laughing, but I thought, how often do you get to see pictures of a grumpy baby in a washing machine?


  1. What a great picture... good thing Baylor already loves the outdoors. My kids are already wusses about the heat. I already have trouble getting them to go outside!

  2. A breeze is a gift from God. Having a great place to enjoy it is a blessing. Thankful for all the ways Papa provides!
