Friday, September 17, 2010

9 Months of Baylor

Sorry for my lack of posts lately.  We just got our good friends, Scott and Cheryl McFaddin, off to the airport after a fantastic two-week visit.

But this post is about Baylor.  I realize I haven't had much in the way of updates about her recently and that I need to appease the grandparents.

So, here it is.

Baylor is now over 9 months old.  She's 28 inches tall and weighs 17.4 lbs.  That puts her in the 57% and 19%, respectively.  I've decided she's on the skinny side because she never stops moving.  She's becoming an expert climber, already able to scale the couch and nearly escape the pack n play.  She took her first steps last week.  Her record is two.  She seems to prefer crawling, as she can move that way both quickly and easily.  I'm not sure when she'll decide walking is worth the extra effort.

She also thoroughly enjoys eating.  I'd be amazed at the amount of food she can pack away except that I've seen Brett eat, so I suppose it's only natural for her.  Her favorite food continues to be banana, and she'll eat anything if it's mixed with banana.  She's also a big fan of grilled chicken, butternut squash, yogurt, and anything that is a fruit, even papaya, which tastes like feet.  She likes to feed herself and is sometimes pretty good at it.  She's also discovered where I keep her puffs in my bag and will dig them out, pop off the lid, reach inside, pull them out and eat them until I take them away, which she does not like.  Food isn't the only thing she likes to put in her mouth though.  Actually, she'll put pretty much anything in there.

Baylor is a very loud girl.  She babbles all day long (another trait passed on by her father) and generally does not do it quietly, which recent visitors Scott and Cheryl can attest to.  She can say things that are words, but she doesn't know they're words, so we don't count them.  We're working pretty hard on getting her to say Baba, though.

Baylor is not a good sleeper, and still does not sleep through the night.  We are tired.  Rare are the moments we can enjoy times like these.  But we love her all the same, even sleepy.

Here is the most recent family pic, taken over a river that was suppose to have crocodiles and hippos, but didn't.

Maybe next time.


  1. Best 9 months of your lives! She's so adorable.

  2. Thanks for posting the pics. She is so precious!

    And I know where she gets the poor sleeping habits from...ahem. ;)

  3. So glad she is so normal. And especially glad you are taking time to enjoy it.

  4. I am brand new to the blogging scene and was just hitting the "Next Blog" button to see what's out there. I am so excited to see your blog! It is a wonderful thing to see church of Christ missionaries all over the world!!!
    I attended Freed-Hardeman in Tennessee a few years back and only wish that I had taken the opportunity to go on more mission trips while I was there. I am curious about sending some items to you and your family, what address would we use? Thank you and God bless! Your baby girl is absolutely beautiful! :)

  5. Thanks for visiting the blog. That's so thoughtful of you to want to send us things. We LOVE getting mail:)

    Our address here is

    Brett and Christie Harrison
    Kanisa La Kristo
    Box 1420
    Mwanza, Tanzania

    God bless!
