Thursday, January 20, 2011

The First Word

Baylor has officially said her first word.  By that I mean she consistently uses the correct word for the object in question.  She's been talking non-stop for the last 8 months, even saying mama and baba and all kinds of other things that are actually words without knowing their meaning.  She sounds a great deal like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets.

But for the last week or so she has said "dog" every time she sees a dog or hears it bark.  This seems a bit unfair to Mama and Baba after all the hard work they've done.  I mean, what has the dog done?  I don't even remember spending a great deal of time trying to get her to learn the word dog.  She doesn't even like them that much.  If they get to close she gets scared.  Oh well, i figure other words are soon to follow and eventually some of them will be "Mom, you're the most super thing in the whole world, even more super than cheerios and bananas."

1 comment:

  1. At this point, just KNOW how important you are to your daughter and know that someday she will express that to you...although there may be quite a few years here that you might not hear it from Baylor, the importance of your role doesn't lessen due to lack of feedback!

    I can't believe RaDora didn't get Baylor to learn "RaDora" while she was there! :)
