Monday, September 7, 2009

First Invite

Yesterday we were invited to have lunch at the house of a family in town.  So, we headed off at 11:00 to their home.  We met the father of the family while looking at houses to rent.  It looks like he's going to be our landlord.  He and his wife have 3 kids and one on the way, plus a few other relative living with them.  He owns a stationary store in town and is the main supplier of the region's businesses' copy needs.  As there was no electricity in town yesterday (or water for that matter), we spent a lazy day on the front porch getting to know the family and a few other friends.  They slaughtered a sheep and grilled it--probably the best meat we've had since we've been here.  Plus about a million side dishes.  

Geita, while a pretty rough place, is also filled with welcoming, generous people.  We've been here less than a week and already spent 5 hours at one family's home and have been invited to another.  Building relationships in Africa is a good bit different than in the States, and takes some getting used to, but it certainly isn't difficult to meet people.  Everyone wants to be your friend--which is great, but also not so great sometimes.  Relationships are everything in this culture, and building your circle of friends and aquaintances is high on everybody's list.  It's a system that will take a long time for me to really get used to, introvert that I am, but Brett fits right in.  

We're really excited about the way things are going so far, and are thankful that God is working so evidently already.  Can't wait to see what He's got planned next:)

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