Thursday, January 14, 2010


Yesterday Baylor rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time.  Today she lifted herself up a little bit on her arms.  While I'm super proud of her little feats, I also fear she will be on the move way sooner than I would really like.  But doesn't she look cute in her ducky outfit?

Also, today I saw a snake for the first time since I moved to Africa.  I'm pretty happy to have gone 10 months without having seen one, and wasn't too thrilled with this one.  But fortunately, Severin, who works for some of our friends, bravely killed the little beast with a mop.  He was perhaps not the most dangerous little fellow.

Today Brett put together a bike for the first time.  He also met with the new local head of immigration.

Exciting firsts for the whole family.


  1. What were the complications after Baylor's birth? What do you think of your new role as a parent?

    I can't wait to hear!

  2. It is amazing how fast a baby changes. I never could understand moms who said their babies had a "schedule" because every day was different for mine.

  3. Christie, Baylor is super-beautiful! Carson had told me that she was, but I had only seen "new-baby" pics until this one. Enjoy your family!!

  4. She is precious! A late congratulations from me!
