Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tanzanian Love For Mpira

Mpira is the Swahili word for Rubber.  It is also the word for ball, since balls are typically made of rubber.  It is also the word for soccer, since while many sports use balls, only one of them is of any consequence to Tanzanians.  Americans are grossly behind in their love for the game of soccer.  It seems that the whole world has picked up on its wonderfulness except for us.  We would rather watch men in spandex throw each other to the ground or run back and forth, back and forth on a court while being subjected to the tortuous sound of squeaky sneakers (I actually like football; basketball I could live without forever).  The World Cup is currently being played in South Africa and it's a very big deal.  First, because it's soccer.  Second, because it's the biggest event there is in soccer.  And third, because it's the biggest event there is in soccer and it's being played in Africa for the first time in history.  They love it.

Lest you think I am exaggerating how big a deal it is, let's take a look at our electricity situation here in Geita.  On average, we are without electricity between 24 and 36 hours a week.  Since the World Cup began a week ago, we have been without power 3 hours.  3.  Late this morning the power went out and lo and behold, it was turned back on in time for the early afternoon's match.  An electric miracle!  And a good thing, since we've invited a bunch of Tanzanians to our house to watch the game.  I'll continue to test my electricity/soccer theory over the next few weeks and let you know if our power situation is indeed controlled by popular sporting events.


  1. There is actually a growing love for soccer here in America. The World Cup games have been playing on tvs in just about every public place that I've been to in the last year and it seems like 50% of the Facebook statuses that I've been reading are commenting on the games.

  2. I was wondering why we'd had such consistent electricity and hadn't made the connection, but I think you are on to something here. I hope the World Cup lasts forever.
