Monday, June 14, 2010

Water Well Party

Sorry for my lack of blogging lately.  We went to Rwanda to get Baylor's 6 month shots and after we got back we all got sick.  First Brett, then Baylor, then me.  Fun times.  But we're all better now.

There's a group of about 12 guys in their early 20s who spend all day pumping water from a well, strapping it to their bikes, and riding all over town delivering it to various people.  The well where they work is right next door to the house we lived in temporarily when we first moved here.  Every day Brett would go out and talk to them, practicing Swahili, learning some slang, and occasionally even pumping some water to give them a break.  We've given a couple of the guys rides to Mwanza when we've gone and formed some pretty good relationships with them.  Brett always told them he'd invite them to our house for a party after we got moved in and settled.

So, a couple weeks ago we had them all over on Sunday afternoon.  If you can imagine how much food your typical college guy eats and then multiply it by 20 because they do manual labor all day, you'll get about what these guys consume.  And so, I opted not to cook myself.  Plus, it's hard to figure out what to make that people will like.  Instead, we ordered rice, ugali (corn meal mush), beans, spinach, french fry omelets (surprisingly tasty), and bananas from a local restaurant and brought it to our house.  All were devoured.  Cokes and waters abounded.

They played soccer in our front yard and Brett taught them how to play horseshoes and darts.  That was pretty entertaining.  Only one dart lost its life.

It was a good afternoon.

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