Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Mysterious Doughy

Most of the time when Baylor is talking, we understand what she's saying.  She may not say the words exactly right, but for the most part she's pretty clear.  However, she has one word the Brett and I have no idea what she means.


Hmmm.  We know this is something that she believes is a real word.  We also know that doughy is something that lives outside.  She always looks outside when she's saying it.  She gets very excited about doughy.  She'll kind of jump up and down, animatedly pointing out the window while repeating her favorite word.

Yesterday we were outside at the gold mine and Holly asked Baylor if she could show her doughy.  So Baylor immediately started searching, calling for doughy as she looked.  She didn't to find it; so now we can eliminate grass, bushes, buckets, buildings, and flags.  Maybe an imaginary friend?

Our best guess is she's trying to say doggy.  However, she can say dog, puppy, Gene, and Max (the names of our dogs), so I don't know why she'd add in another one.  Who knows?  Perhaps one day we'll discover the answer.  Until then, we're actually quite entertained trying to figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. We have some of those mysterious words as well. Takes a while to finally get what they are saying, then I start to understand how they must feel when we're talking to them!
    I'm really excited for ya'll and Baby #2! Can't wait to find out what you're having.
